Thursday, October 29, 2015

Human-Computer instead of Human-Human Interactions

            Artificial Intelligence is becoming more and more popular in businesses today. The use of computer systems to perform tasks typically done by humans has increased significantly. Designers of Watson, IBM’s supercomputer, claim that robots will be the next stage of human-computer interaction. Currently this interaction is mostly a two-dimensional experience. However, the goal is to add dimensions to this process and hopefully achieve a 3D experience. Not only is the goal to enhance the abilities of robots, but also to enhance the human experience that results from interaction with artificially intelligent machines.
            According to Mizroch, robots are currently being used to build cars and other factory made goods. This is extremely beneficial in the production of goods. With machines replacing humans in the workforce, companies can effectively use bottom-line strategies. Bottom line strategies “optimize manufacturing process, decrease transportation costs, reduce the cost of human capital, and minimize errors in a process” (Rainer). The article also states robot’s software analysis can be used to “interpret the subject, tone and feeling of the conversation it is having with the human, and instructs the robot to perform the appropriate gesture for the situation–like nodding its head” (Mizroch). Should engineers work out the kinks in these robots and get them to a nearly perfected status, they could potentially help businesses in customer support roles and ease the communication barrier between customers and business representatives. Lastly, the robot’s ability of cognitive computing is expected to “prove an engine of growth as hardware sales decline” (Mizroch). This is an extremely useful application of robots for the IT industry. If sales are in decline and these new innovations could result in greater demand for technology products, it would continue to expand the IT market segment and help the economy grow.
            While the introduction of these robots appear to be very positive both for companies and the industry as a whole, this article failed to point out some of the negative aspects the addition of these products may cause. For example, with robots replacing humans in the labor force, many low-paid, unskilled laborers will lose their jobs that have been replaced by computers. Also, the article mentions how the ultimate goal of these robots is to be a customer service representative. However, many people, whether it be over the phone or in person, feel more comfortable and are more trusting of human to human interaction. Therefore, using these computers as customer service representatives might actually deter people from interacting with them. Finally, if these robots were hacked, a lot of personal information could be leaked creating a major problem. Overall, I feel the benefit of these robots far outweigh the potential costs if used in the correct segment of the market.

Mizroch, Amir. "Watson CTO: Personal Robots Will Come in Peace." Wall Street
            Journal. Wall Street Journal, 2015. Web. 29 Oct. 2015.

Rainer, R. Kelly, Casey G. Cegielski, and Brad Prince. Introduction to Information
            Systems. 5th ed. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2014. Print.

1 comment:

  1. Privacy tends to be a major concern when it comes to trusting computers to deal with things humans normally do. We have seen countless examples of how easy it is to hack into systems and steal information. I think today, people can lean too much on technology. There is a lost sense of personal connection when we choose computers over people. Social skills are disappearing as people are glued to their phone.


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