Saturday, March 26, 2016

New IT advances now riding in Ford vehicles

This article focused on various new IT advances that Ford is planning to go through with within the next few years. One of these advances includes the modems that were already put in Ford’s electric vehicles. Ford now wants to start using these modems to start their connected-vehicle data platform. Data will be taken from the vehicle, with their customer’s permission, because it’s an opt-in program. This data will then be analyzed to see if there are more proactive ways Ford can tell customers about service opportunities. I think Ford has the right idea and by doing this it will make Ford customers’ daily lives much easier. For example, this new IT will, with the owners permission, be able to coach the driver on a better route, knowing that you always do X-Y-Z every single day, connect with your home and as you approach turn your heat on, or open your garage door, and even pick up on the fact that you stop at Starbucks every Tuesday and then be able to send you a free coffee on Tuesdays coupon. I also liked the fact that customers were able to now call through this system rather than Google an issue they might be having with their Ford.
Although I think the connected-vehicle data platform is a good idea for Ford, I think they still have to work out a few issues. First of all, if I owned a Ford I would be skeptical reading this knowing that they have been tracking me every time I turn my car on and drive somewhere. I think this aspect of the connected-vehicle data platform would make some Ford owners uncomfortable. An issue I had while reading the pluses of having this system, is if Ford would be able to keep their drivers safe and keep their information private? What happens if someone is able to hot-wire a Ford car with this system? They would have more than just access to their car, including access to the driver’s daily routines and potentially even access to the driver’s home all through the car-home connection that is provided by this system. My last concern with this is if the connected-vehicle platform would be too overloading and distracting for some drivers. It sounds like it would be nice having your car shorten your Monday route, but what if you have to go to a doctor’s appointment that day? Then would it be annoying having your car directing you to go to where you normally go at that time instead of your doctors?  Fords main goal should be to improve and not complicate Ford drivers lives, which they may be doing if they plan to install and use every aspect they’ve mentioned of this system.
Marcy Klevorn, CIO of Ford, summed up the future of IT innovations for Ford perfectly,“ I think about things such as, is there something I can do inside my vehicle that today I have to do outside my vehicle?”

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alyssa,
    I really liked this article. I think Ford is being very smart by trying to advance their IT in their vehicles. However, I agree an believe there could be some problems with this. If the upgrades and IT advancements use personal information- such as daily routes to work and the car gets stolen or broken into, this could result in a really big security breech. Although, I do think that there are some good ideas as well. I like the idea to make life easier for the driver, and the fact that it can pick up on daily routines. But one thing that concerns me is the distractions that these new upgrades could cause to the driver. If the driver was to be able to turn on their heat, that could mean another button to push, and another distraction while driving. And if there is a voice constantly telling you what route to take and you have no intentions of going on that route, it can be very distracting as well. People seem to forget that cars are simply used to get from point A to point B. Although Ford is trying to keep up with the IT of today's society, it could be dangerous to go overboard in a car where all attention is needed at all times.


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